Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Best Health Insurance Is Prevention

Welcome to our health and wellness site!
Alternative medicine is generally grouped with homeopathy, folk medicine, herb and root therapies, and such. It is likewise relevant to view massage and meditative exercises as part of alternative medicine. Alternative essentially comprises holistic, non-invasive healing practices. This topic will be further written about in the upcoming issues as we feel it is very important to bring this information to the people.
The most effective alternative medicines are fruits, veggies, and home-cooking! Why? Because they are most sure to prevent or minimize need for any medicine, if made part of healthy long-term lifestyle. Healthy and tasty are not opposites! And, small portions are not as necessary when you eat mainly veggies and when your meals are as low in fat, sodium and cholesterol , as you make it, literally. You can enjoy your food without guilt. Being healthy makes you feel good, prolongs your life, -- and saves you thousands a year on health bills!

In a time when there are over 45,000,000 uninsured people (and climbing), along with promulgation of weight and diet-related illnesses such as heart disease and diabetes, it is important to be reminded that diet is what largely determine our weight while digestive track contains the bulk of our immune system.

Therefore, healthy eating and good general wellness habits are pivotal in staying healthy. We believe that the best cure is prevention. Here we are committed to promotion of healthy eating, home- cooking recipes and general wellness topics. Medical insurance and pharmaceutical prescriptions are an extra safety net in helping us guard our health. The first essentials however, are in the cooking pot.

Wellness has become en vogue recently in the face of rising health-related costs. People are beginning to figure out that prevention is indeed best cure and best insurance of all. Wellness generally appeals to people looking for balanced healthy lifestyle, as opposed to extreme diets, or endless pharmaceutical “solutions in the bottle” with severe sideffects. In contrast to the stricter discipline of health, wellness is a holistic approach to nutrition, activity levels, well being, and stress management.

Here we would like to suggest a basic concept – looking at wellness as basically a heritage of generational, folk culture, which came from lifestyle much more in sync with nature by comparison to the current, environmentally destructive “development”. Entire human history, save for the last 80 years, people walked instead of driving, people home-cooked their meals instead of eating pre-made processed foods, and, ironically, they had more interpersonal contact with less communication devices. Let’s say change is good, but with regards to the above, poor diet from processed and fast foods, and low activity levels, are collectively what largely ails America today.

In this publication, we will explore options of healthier lifestyle, savings that come with elevated wellness, with no compromise between cost and quality as with expensive HMOs. The best health insurance is prevention! Here we will explore how simple changes in the way we do daily chores plus positive state of mind, will assure higher levels of well-being, health and longevity. Wellbeing leads to feelings of joy while fitness gives a sense of accomplishment. These are entirely available to all individuals and on this blog we will even show you how being and living healthy will save you money. For example, whole foods are cheaper then processed foods and health benefits resulting from eating these lead to reduced health bills. It literally pays to be healthy!

Meal preparation is essential part of saving money and controlling quality of foods. Cooking at home instead of eating in restaurants is part of a proactive low - fats, cholesterol and sodium diet. Food is of supreme importance in wellness. Bulk of our diet, about 80%, should consist of whole grains, fruits, veggies, minimally of meat or heavy dairy. Boiling our own grains, and veggies is not only cheaper by at least 3-4 times, - we get to control sodium and fat/oil intake, as well as cleanliness of food preparation.

We will post weekly recipes that are quick, cheap, healthy and accessible.
In addition to home-cooking articles, recipes and ideas, we will share advice on simple remedies for minor illnesses, thinking positively, health costs, snacks, light meals, walking, running, and keeping blood pressure low. Hope you will make weekly visit to our blog and become part of our wellness circle. We will be here with money-saving proactive health advice.

Recipe of the week:
Brussel Sprouts Sweet, Hot and Sour – sauteed for 20 minutes
(Makes a great side dish or topping for couscous, rice or polenta)

2 lbs of brussel sprouts (quartered)
Large onion (diced)
6 garlic cloves
4 tbs. of sweet and sour sauce
¼ lb of baby carrots (quartered)
Honey, ketchup, mustard – 2 tbs. each
1 tbs. hot sauce
1 bunch of fresh cilantro (diced; add at the last minute of cooking)
¼ cup vegetable oil

Combine oil, onion and garlic in a pan and let brown for 5-7 min. Add carrots to the pan for 5 minutes. Then add brussel sprouts pre-marinated in honey, ketchup, hot sauce and mustard. Enjoy!
Shula Fink is the editor-in-chief of the daily investment newsletter REAL WEALTH RECON. For 2008, the Real Wealth Recon portfolio is outperforming the three major indices by 25%, and the average hedge fund by 8%. For $99 a year, you get a daily market commentary, instant emails for every trade we make, total access to the Real Wealth Recon portfolio, and a weekly review of the major articles published around the world.
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